I made an AI that can study for me.
I made an AI that can study for me.
So, there are loads of time when I have a big amount of text and I now it has the data that I need but way too lazy to read through it to find the thing I need. So, one day I thought what if I made an AI that can study the content for me and answer the questions I directly ask it and here we are.
So, after some research I decided to use the the roBERTa model for the job. It is a a pre trained model made using MLM( Masked Language Modeling ) on the english language. Which basically means that it is and AI that can find keywords in a large amount of text and then recognise it based on the question that is given.
Lets get started with the code.
First lets make a requirements.txt file:
Now for the colab notebook download PyTorch:
Now install transformers:
Now start loading the model by importing roberta model dependencies:
Make a Q/A Pipeline:
Make contextual text corpus data:
Make a question set:
Now run the question set on the AI:
Print the answer:
And with that the code is done.
So, I made this into an app so that you guys can use it. Here is the code for it.
Here is the app:
Do try it.
Lets see some outputs:
So, as you can see the results are coming very accurate. Go try it yourself!!
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For The Code Go Here:
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Thanks for reading 😁, See you guys next week 👋🏼.