Letting an AI generate my face based on my friends description.
Letting an AI generate my face based on my friends description.
I was going through Dall-E 2 the other day. I was suddenly hit with “the idea that lets try to generate my face” but based on my friends description.
Before we start lets understand how will I will get the responses of my friend. I will use google forms for collecting all the data.
After I get the data. I will sort them and add them to DALL-E 2.
Lets see some generations based on my friends descriptions.
Those are some really impressive generations. I am actually very very impressed by the quality of faces DALL-E 2 can generate.
So, how did they compare to my real face. You be the judge let me know in the comments.
This is my face:
Give it a try fill the form above and I will add generation of your text to this article.
For Dall E 2 go here:
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Thanks for reading 😁, See ya guys next week 👋🏼