I made an deep learning AI that can generate sentences from words.
I made an deep learning AI that can generate sentences from words.
The other day I was reading an novel. I realised that there is a pattern where there is an important keyword in each sentences and I got an idea that lets see if we can generate text only by using keywords.
Lets get started with the installs:
Lets load the pertained model called k2t-base:
Now lets fine tune the model and run the AI:
And there the code is done. Yep Done ! its just 8 lines.
Lets see some outputs now:
The outputs are so cool.
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For the code go here:
AI_to_generate_sentences_from_words/Keywords_to_text.ipynb at main ·…
Contribute to Eeman1113/AI_to_generate_sentences_from_words development github.com
Contribute to Eeman1113/AI_to_generate_sentences_from_words development github.com
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Thanks for reading 😁, see ya guys next week 👋🏼