How to Add googling skills in your AI/chatbot
How to Add googling skills in your AI/chatbot
Ever wonder how to add googling stuff feature in your ai or chatbot just like Alexa/Google assistant/Siri well let me tell you in this article I will teach you exactly that.
First you need to be set up with a chatbot. If you don’t already have one read my article on how to make one using Tensorflow:
Firstly lets get started with the
So, Now that you are set up with an AI chatbot let's get started.
First lets import the google search library:
Now lets make a function to get a keyword and number of results user needs:
And now its done!! Now you have a function that can google anything you want.Yeah, just like that only in 3 line of code.
now lets implement this on my AI named “DEW”:
So, just by adding 4 lines one in line number 16 and three in line numbers 116,117 and 118 we have googling in our AI/chatbot now.
Happy coding hehe 😁
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